Prototype of Automatic Water Level Monitoring System and Flood Gate Control With IOT-Based Flood Warning Notification


  • Shalfadhilla Tri Ardas Politeknik Negeri Padang Penulis
  • Rikki Vitria Politeknik Negeri Padang Penulis
  • Sri Nita Politeknik Negeri Padang Penulis

Kata Kunci:

Sensor, Stepper Motor, ESP 32 Microcontroller, Smartphone, ,MIT App inventor


Indonesia is one of the countries with a fairly high rainfall rate. Indonesia is part of the tropical rainforest area around the equator up to 15 degrees north and south. This causes flooding disasters to often occur in Indonesia, directly impacting areas that are especially close to rivers, so that when the rainy season comes, many agricultural areas, housing, villages, and plantations are affected by floods. Therefore, this study aims to design a prototype system that can provide accurate and fast information to authorities and the wider community regarding the potential for flooding. The design of a prototype of a water level monitoring system and automatic floodgate control using several sensors such as an ultrasonic sensor that functions to measure water level, a DHT11 sensor to measure humidity and air temperature, and a rain sensor to detect rainfall intensity, and a stepper motor as a floodgate driver controlled via an ESP 32 microcontroller. The final results of this study are displayed on the LCD in the form of sensor reading data and flood warning notifications to smartphones via the MIT App Inventor.


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