Automatic Plant Watering System with Internet of Things for Monitoring and Controlling Soil Moisture
Internet of Things , automatic watering system, ESP32, Raspberry Pi, soil moisture sensor, MQTT, Node-RED, smart homeAbstract
An automatic plant watering system based on the Internet of Things (IoT) was developed to make it easier to monitor and control soil moisture at home. The system combines a variety of technologies, including a soil moisture sensor, ESP32, Raspberry Pi, relays, water pump, and Node-RED. The moisture sensor measures soil moisture content and sends data to the ESP32. The ESP32 then sends that data via MQTT to the Raspberry Pi, which decides whether the pump needs to be activated. The relay, controlled by the Raspberry Pi, regulates power to the pump to water the plants as needed. Node-RED is used to create an interface that allows users to monitor and control the system in real-time, as well as perform manual control. With this system, watering plants becomes more efficient, reduces the need for manual intervention, and ensures ideal soil moisture for house plants. This technology shows great potential in smart home applications, offering a smarter and more efficient way to care for plants at home
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