Implementation of The Internet of Things on An Automatic Weather Station Weather Monitoring Tool To Support Fisherman Activities on The Coast


  • Ghani Abdurrazaq politeknik negeri padang Author
  • Ramiati Politeknik Negeri Padang Author
  • Deri Latika Herda Politeknik Negeri Padang Author


ESP32 CAM, Internet Of Things, DHT22, Anemometer, Weather Station


Coastal areas play a vital role in fishing activities, with weather conditions, especially wind speed, being a key factor affecting the safety and efficiency of fishermen's operations. High wind speeds can trigger large waves and dangerous sea conditions, so accurate and real-time weather information is essential. This study aims to develop an Internet of Things (IoT)-based Automatic Weather Station (AWS) to monitor weather conditions in coastal areas to support fishermen's activities. This weather monitoring tool combines several sensors, including an Anemometer for wind speed, DHT22 for temperature and humidity, and a rain sensor, which are controlled through an IoT platform. The use of this tool is expected to provide more accurate and real-time weather data, so that this tool can be said to work well to improve the safety of fishermen and efficiency in fishing operations with a level of accuracy of weather monitoring data from manual readings with an average difference in error readings of 1.79%.


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How to Cite

Implementation of The Internet of Things on An Automatic Weather Station Weather Monitoring Tool To Support Fisherman Activities on The Coast. (2024). Journal on Internet Engineering Technologies and Applications, 1(2), 1-9.